Friday, August 22, 2014

Everything: Ben Keeney

What can be measured but not understood?
This was almost what my friend, affectionately named British Mark, would call a 'cheeky' response.
But I almost was going to write about how everything in the world that has ever existed is not fully understood. I will explain a little bit about what I mean so that I don't sound like some kind of an agnostic towards everything. It's really not a complicated thought. Basically everything, as far as I know, is made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of particles that have opposite charges and shouldn't be in the same proximity, but they are still held together for some reason. That reason as far as I know scientists haven't been able to understand yet. Therefore we don't fully understand anything.
That is probably just lazy thought, so here is what is mind blowing to me, thoughts. Is it in the realm of the soul (which is a whole other topic)? We can track thoughts, we understand a little bit, like they are synapse firing and seem to be biological and electrical, and we can highlight part of the brain that is active. However to my simple mind that doesn't understand how all of that becomes a silent voice.
People advised me a lot that I need to, "get out of my head."   I understand what they are saying, that I will get lost in endless debate and scheming before I act. I agree with people, I should get out of my head. I am trying, but I don't understand how. I don't think it would too simplistic to say that my thoughts rule me. Perhaps I will never understand how to act without the inner dialogue. Perhaps its more of an acting in faith in spite of being in my head. I definitely need to figure out what is ruling my thoughts, and hopefully I will understand that more, but honestly I don't think I will.

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