Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Gas Works Park: Ben Keeney

Gas Works Park

I am pretty sure that this counts. So here it is, my favorite place on earth, or at least of all the earth that I have been to, which admittedly isn't much, but that is neither here nor there (hahahaha).

I don't know what it is that I like about Gas Works above all other places. There is obviously an amazing skyline view of Seattle. There is nice grass which to a New Mexican is a luxury. There is a cool solstice thing at the top of the hill. I think I like it so much because it goes right to the water, and at night, for some reason nobody is there. It is peaceful. The sometimes overwhelming activity of a city is dulled and water and the air are allowed to speak. It's amazing to look around and see all of Seattle, or all that matters of Seattle anyway. See so many houses and landmarks and imagining so many people's lives and what they are doing where they are going and what they are about. 
Gas Works is amazing! It is a calm in the middle of a crazy city. I honestly don't understand how there aren't hundreds of people all the time. 

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