Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Toilet paper.
I stalled on this because I thought that what I had to say would be way more interesting than what it is. But let's do this..
1. When I see someone at the grocery store or super market or whatever and they are only buying toilet paper I think, "that person has a dirty butt" because why would that be the only thing you get on that trip unless you expectantly ran out? 
2. Super expensive toilet paper is a rip off in every sense of the phrase. First of all because you literally rip off toilet paper to use it...though that should be true of all toilet paper products. Second of all, I have found, that it doesn't work as well, and everybody knows what I mean "work". Third of all, because it is thicker it is used so much faster. 

And can we talk about the commercials? Well I can. It doesn't make any sense, it's either a giant jug of blue liquid to show how awesome it is, or its cartoon bears or a like a baby's face. I get it okay. You're sitting in the marketing department of Charmin or wherever, and you're thinking, "How do I get people to think about buying our toilet paper without thinking about a toilet, poop and all the gross stuff associated with it?" But here's the deal. It is toilet paper. It is the thing that we need. Everybody needs. Everybody uses. It is the thing that separates the third world and the first world countries. but it's one job is to wipe poop. Nothing about that sounds comfortable or fun or cute. So everyone in the Marketing department of to

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